"The Best Read Little Book Shop"

8 Kingfisher Drive, Peregian Beach,
Queensland 4573 Australia
Ph (07) 5448 2053

About Annie's Books

Annie and Friends

I grew up in the vibrant and artistic environment of inner city Sydney, the thankful daughter of two bibliophiles. After a meandering career path took me past the worlds of theatre stage management, travel consultancy, commercial diving and deckhand duties, I ended up in my fantasy job of bookseller. Colin and Anne Lawford, owners of the Written Dimension Bookshop in Noosa Junction, and Rachel Burgoine my manager and friend, encouraged and facilitated my path into the wonderful world of the publishing and bookselling industry.

Over the years at the Written Dimension, I honed my skills in book detection, and also threw myself into the arena of event organisation. In 2008, circumstances changed for me, and I decided to try out my own little bookshop, as a small space became vacant in my home village of Peregian Beach. Since that moment, I have found enormous satisfaction and joy within these four walls. I love every day that I spend here, and am very proud of Annie's Books on Peregian.

I am still a book detective, constantly searching out titles old and new for my customers. Events have become a large part of my life here; the locals enjoy my "footpath parties" where there is an opportunity to meet a published author whilst enjoying a glass of wine and tasty things to eat in the casual environment of Peregian Beach Village. I also hold larger events for nationally touring authors, and have a wonderful archive of memories of the hundreds of fantastic authors I have met and hosted throughout the years.

Of course I could not operate even a small business without help, so I have been blessed with a wonderful friend and co-worker, Lyn Hay. Lyn is also passionate about books, and is always ready with a smile and time to chat about your book needs.

My website is by iMechanism.com.au with design and photography by Bernstyle Photography.

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8 Kingfisher Drive, Peregian Beach. Qld. 4573. Ph: 5448 2053 anniesbooks@bigpond.com

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