"The Best Read Little Book Shop"

8 Kingfisher Drive, Peregian Beach,
Queensland 4573 Australia
Ph (07) 5448 2053


We have such an amazing wealth of local books, music and culture that we wanted to highlight some of it here, all available for purchase in the shop.

VIRUS - by James Rose

<noautolink>virus cover1.jpg</noautolink> Spin and counter spin, big business, the White House, HIV-AIDS, media politics, a major charity, an African government and thousands of helpsless victims......there's a virus out there and it's infecting them all.....but, it's not what you think......


<noautolink>buffalo funeral.png</noautolink> Twenty-two year old Ange Takats has no idea what is about to hit her when she arrives in Bangkok to take up a job as a TV news foreign correspondent. Her Australian journalism degree proves handy when she’s granted a rare interview with Burmese freedom leader Aung San Suu Kyi. But textbooks won’t help her when she is being chased by a tiger in a Buddhist monastery… confronted with heroin addicts in Hanoi... or having her breasts massaged with Tiger Balm while filming a story about Thai boob jobs.

Ange dives into the bizarre side of Thai reporting life and finds herself running from rockets at a rainmaking festival… and saying a prayer at a funeral for a water buffalo. As if her day job isn’t colourful enough, Thailand also gives Ange the chance to pursue her passion for music. She lands a gig in a folk rock band with a couple of whisky swigging Thai musicians who give her an education she’ll never forget. Between the exotic assignments and late-night jam sessions, Ange falls in love with a Romanian Canadian medical student in the jungles of Laos. She’s faced with a dilemma: Should she follow the man who just might be ‘the one’ or keep living her life of adventure in the Land of Smiles?

BEYOND THE ROAD - S. Sean (the magician) Tretheway

<noautolink>beyond road.jpg</noautolink> Many of you will remember the book launch for The Roadless Traveller a few years ago - what a party! Well, S. Sean (the magician) Tretheway, has done it again. Beyond the Road carries on the story of Jack Slack, Blazer and Hollie as they adventure across the Pacific Ocean to find tropical paradise and more!

Dare I say that Sean has created a book even more fun than the last! It's exciting, sexy and inspiring - a book in which we will probably all find something a little different hidden in the pages.

Pebbles in the Road - Ryll Paul

<noautolink>ryllpaul250.jpg</noautolink> Pebbles in the Road takes you inside the extraordinary experiences of joy, sorrow, strength, hope and survival in one woman’s life. This story will wrench at the heart.

From a difficult childhood through the 50s and 60s to abusive and neglectful relationships, motherhood, and the love and loss of a son ... these are the happenings that have shaped a life.

Readers will be able to relate to what it was like growing up in a time when children could be children and those too young to know will enjoy the anecdotes of an era filled with things we take for granted now.

This story is about finding strength in the face of the greatest adversity and the courage to make choices. During challenging times in our life, ultimately we are responsible for our own well-being and happiness.


<noautolink>self.jpg</noautolink> Alicia Power is an experienced international Spiritual Advisor (33 years) and gifted intuitive. Her clients include CEOs, lawyers, psychologists, educators, celebrities, community leaders and professionals in the US, UK, Indonesia, Singapore, Australasia and New Zealand. Alicia is a feature writer for international spa and lifestyle magazines and is a regular guest on radio. She is also a passionate inspirational public speaker.

This book will take you beyond your highest view of yourself.
Because of this, it is a gift to you.
As you read about parts of you that exceed your expectations, you will grow
in appreciation of yourself.
You will also wonder at the beauty that lies hidden within you.
This book reveals your route to the highest levels of being human.
It illustrates your travels into ever higher love and joy.
It is a God-send and a treasure.


<noautolink>MOSAIC cover.jpg</noautolink> Andrew is an instrumental guitarist and plays nylon string guitar. He lives in Peregian on the Sunshine Coast, and performs locally on a regular basis. On MOSAIC, Andrew plays melodic arrangements, featuring nylon string guitar, light percussion, bass, keyboards, strings, etc.

The tracks on MOSAIC include jazz standards, latin american, popular and contemporary guitar. Andrew's choice of material and playing style are designed to create a sophisticated background ambiance, ideal for dining, functions, and weddings.


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8 Kingfisher Drive, Peregian Beach. Qld. 4573. Ph: 5448 2053 anniesbooks@bigpond.com

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